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Customer Creativity with the Tappecue Public API - Adobe Creative Cloud Tappecue App Add-On

James Lockman works in Adobe Creative Cloud and was inspired to use the Tappecue API to create an Add-On to make his life easier while being creative in Adobe and smoking at the same time. This add-on puts the Tappecue temperatures on his dashboard while he's working and updates automatically. He has also color coded it for an easy glance to see how things are going. He has freely shared this new app with any others who work in Adobe Creative Cloud. Here's how to get the Adobe Create Cloud Tappecue Add-On so you can view your temperatures while working in Adobe Software. To get the add-on, you can find it within the adobe software help tab as shown below OR by following this link to get to the adobe marketplace.

Once you're in the marketplace, you can sign in (if you aren't already) and search for the Tappecue Add-on. Install the Tappecue Add-On and return back to your Adobe Software.

Once you've successfully install the Tappecue Add-On and returned to your Adobe Software Program, you'll see the new Tappecue Add-On under the Window tab -> Extensions -> Tappecue.

Again, thank you James for using the Tappecue API to make such a great product for the Adobe Creative Cloud.

Thanks to Frank Dice for making the public facing API. Here's a link to the forum and API. If you have something you have created that you would like to share with other customers, please let us know.

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Tappecue is made by Innovating Solutions LLC - a Kansas City based smart technology company whose mission is to empower their customers to live a life full of enjoyment and efficiency with the help of Smart tools.

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Tappecue has saved Pit Master BBQ thousands in the last year. With the Idaho weather being what it is, the smoker was going out in the middle of the night. With the Tappecue alerting functionality no more ruined meat.

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